We want to provided an environment were believers can be involved in ministries where they can use their talents and abilities that God has given them.  Our hope is that each believer can experience the joy that comes by connecting into ministries that God has called you to.


Children’s Ministry

Youth Ministry

Trail Life

Bus Ministry

Hospitality on the Hill

Meal Delivery

Prayer Ministry

Music Ministry





Email us where you would like to serve:

Highlighted Ministries

  • Hospitality on The Hill

    Every Monday Hospitality on the Hill takes place at EHBC.  We feed those in our local community that need food and a warm, loving place to fellowship.

  • High energy and Gospel engaging is two ways to describe our Vacation Bible School and Backyard bible club each summer.  Come be part of an ministry team that engages kids with the Gospel and has a blast doing it.

  • Prayer Team

    Prayer is an essential part of a successful church. 

    1. Each Sunday morning there are individuals that are praying for people and the service.  On a rotating schedule on different Sundays individuals pray over prayer requests and the current service in the prayer room. 

    2. Prayer Tent Ministry- Every Thursday we set up a prayer tent and minister to people who drive by from our community. Prayer Ministry team members pray over people who stop in for prayer. 

    • Become part of an excellent team of children’s workers who are working with a growing group of incredible children. Grades 1st through 5th.  
  • Be part of an outstanding team of youth workers. This department is growing with many opportunities to serve.    

  • Be part of the ministry team that makes a difference to our visitors. Help people feel welcome to our church.   

  • Help our thriving Bus Ministry engage our community. We bring people to church on Wednesday and Sundays.  Many different positions of need. Drivers, Shepherds, Teachers, Food Team and More.

Matthew 10:42

"And whoever gives even a cup of water to one of these little ones because he is a disciple, truly I tell you, he will never lose his reward."